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Add Crimson or a Crimson Clone to your group and secure your group properly. As Anti-bots are getting smarter so does the botters, that's why constant updates are necessary. Crimson is getting updated daily, starting from the Verification system which is Google Recaptcha & Cloudflare along side smart Firewall settings we set-up using Google analytics to analyse suspicious activity, we provide a top tier security, but that's not enough! Botters can use different techniques to get through the verification system with some of their fake users, They join manually or using some blackhats AI powered by real human sources in order to join your group meaning that extra security layers are needed. Thats why we developed different algorithms to determine who's a fake user: 1. Suspicious name checker - this function activates itself and when every new member joins the bot checks if he has a suspicious name and getting him kicked right away. 2. Anti-fud - this function needs to be activated by the bot deployer (you), this algorithm checks if a user joins and sending different type of fud messages and getting him banned right away (This function is highly recommended to avoid botters spam). 3. Pumpgroups block - This function needs to be activated by the bot deployer as well, it checks for different fake Pumpgroup bots messages and getting them banned.
As a bot deployer myself, to properly set up Anti-bots and all the other bots which are necessary for a project group, it takes usually 10-20 minutes. With Crimson unique Easy-setup function it takes about 30 seconds. This function will have a future update which will include: Filters easy setup, Buybot setup, Pricebot setup, NFT mint announcer setup, Social tracker and much more with just one click!